jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

The Duel: Timo Boll vs. KUKA Robot

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LBR Technology Programming by Demostration

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KUKA LBR iiwa deutsch

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LBR iiwa at HMI 2013

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LBR iiwa Image Movie

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LBR iiwa Collision Detection With Safety Rated

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jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

Robotic Arms (Future Proyects)

The booker" Proyect

Disco Dancing" Proyect

"The Machine Heaven" Proyect

Proyecto "Antikitera"

The "Woody-bot" 





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Robot Video

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miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

"The booker" Proyect (For JBT Poyect of Olimpia Book)

"Disco Dancing" Proyect (To customer in Chile)

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About Us

Robotic  Arms  is  a  technology  enterprise  part  of  Tuna  Group  . Our  mission  is  créate  the  more  sophisticate  robot  machines  that  can help  to  the  men  in  your  labours  where have  physical risk,  dangerous environment,  or  simply  special  skills,  like  precision, or  repititive  routines  .
 .Our  design  philosophy is  different  to  the    other enterprise  because  guide  us  by  the  currrent   "non-humanoids machine",  we make  specialized  robotic  arms  to  one   particular work,  we  believe  , respecting  the  other  design  currents,  than  while  more  different  be  the  robots  of  a  human    better  will  be  the  performance  of  machine.  Also  the  other  design  philosophy  is  more relationed  with   the styling    and  refer  it   to  hiden  the  more  possible  any  detail of  functioning, we  refer  it  like  :  "hiden  the  skeleton" , it´s  bolts ,  hydraulic  sistems,  wires  etc.   We  create  fervently  that  industry  whitout  art  (design) is  a  crazy thing,  further  "the  beauty  sale".  It  two topic  are  our  distinguishing  force  that will  guiding  us   for  the   exit  way.
We  products  is  thinked  to  countries  in  development  so  like  the  prices.
 Actually we are wanting  vehement  investors,  patner  capitals  or  customs  because believe  us,  according  update  data,  that  have  enormous  "gold mine"  waiting  to  be  dig  in  this  theme  .

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"The Machine Heaven" Proyect (To customer in Chile)

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